Renegade Row Instructions.

Grab a pair of light dumbbells or kettlebells  

Get into a press-up position with a dumbbell in each hand. Brace your body, then raise one of the dumbbells, supporting yourself on the other arm.

Row the weight upward until your upper arm is slightly higher than your torso, then slowly lower it back down to the ground. 

Aim for three sets of eight to 10 reps on each arm, you can either do one side all at once, or alternate. Once you can complete 10 on each side comfortably, increase either the reps or the weight.

Renegade Row Variations

Kneeling Renegade Row

If you find the full version of the exercise too tricky at first, try it with your knees on the ground. The rest of the movement stays the same, but the challenge to your core and upper body is reduced.

Renegade Row With Press-Up

This one explains itself. You’ll have noticed that the elevated plank position you adopt with the renegade row puts you in the perfect position to pop in a press-up in between lifts. This is a harder variation, obviously.

Kettlebell renegade row

Another trickier variation involves swapping the dumbbells for kettlebells, which provide a less stable base that increases the challenge of staying in the plank position. Use a lighter weight than you would with dumbbells as you get used to the kettlebells.