TRX Lower Body Workout.

Hamstring curl


Lay on your back with your heels in the foot cradles. 


Press your heels down and brace your core to lift your hips up. Use your hamstrings to bend your knees and pull your heels in toward your butt.  

Send your heels back to the start position in one slow and controlled motion. 



Stand facing the TRX Suspension with the handles in your hands and some tension on the straps. 

Keep your weight in your heels and focus on engaging your core


Lower your hips down and back until your knees are bent just below 90 degrees.

Keep your chest up, and drive your knees out as you go down. 

Drive through your heels and extend your hips to stand back up.

Mountain Climber


Start in a push up position with your toes in the foot cradles and your hands directly under your shoulders. 


Brace your core and draw one knee towards your chest while keeping your other leg straight. 

Straighten your leg and lower your hips to return to the start position. Repeat with the other leg. 

Single Leg Squat


Stand on the left leg, the right one raised upwards, arms raised upwards, grasp TRX in front of your body, palms together.


Brace your core as you squat down. Drive through your heel and extend your hips to stand back up.